Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cousins and other aggravations

You know the old saying “you can’t pick your family”? Well, I know the saying to be true. I have the worst cousin ever. Why is she the worst cousin ever? I’ll tell you:

For one thing, she’s a complete FAKE! She acts one way when it’s just me and her, but put an adult or a classmate in the mix, she becomes a completely different person… a nice person. But, around me and my best friends she is EVIL!!!! She’s tried to kill me ever since the day she was born (I’m a year and a half older than her). She’s worse than a Disney villain. (I happen to like Disney villains, so that’s an insult!).

She’s an over-achieving-smart-ass-who-doesn’t-need-to-prove-anything!!!!!!!!!!!

She’s “perfect”.

And… although she is a junior in high school (I’m a senior), she was given an award AT THE SENIOR ASSMEBLY!!!!!!

(the first part was written a little while back)

But it’s summer now and I am a college student. I have my ID and everything.

And her latest attempt to piss me off has worked.

My cousins from Colorado are visiting for a few weeks. Before they even sit down and relax… the cousin I can’t stand swooped in and took my other cousin to the movies. I had to pay my dad to take me to my grandparents so I could welcome them back to Virginia. (I can’t drive nor do I own a vehicle.) As soon as my mom called to tell us what the evil cousin did, dad turned his car back around and we went home. And now my other cousin is going to like my evil cousin more because she can drive!!!

At least I’m older, a college student, and nicer then my evil cousin.

Just saying…
